Recovery from a Hair Transplantation relatively easy. This operation is not painful. However, there are several items that you should expect during the recovery period.
During the first week:
- You should expect some scabbing around the base of the implanted hair and mild redness of the scalp where the new hair has been placed. The scabs are usually gone after one week.
- The suture in the back of the head will stay in place for one week. Finding a comfortable position, keeping your head slightly elevated and not laying on the incision is difficult. This problem improves quickly once the suture is removed.
- Swelling and bruising in the forehead and down around the eyes is seen in about 20% of patients. This can be severe.
- Most people will need to take about one week off after the procedure. If a hat or cap can be worn, then you could potentially go back to work right away.
During the first month:
- Scabbing around the hairs will fall out and the short, stubby transplanted hairs can be seen and felt.
- After the first month the short transplanted hair also falls out.
- A month after surgery, the scalp will be healed and the hair will have fallen out. It will look like nothing was even done.
Three months after surgery:
- The transplanted hair will begin to grow. The hair will be fine and thin at first. Over the course of several months, the hair will gradually thicken, get longer and fuller.
Twelve months after surgery:
- The final cosmetic result is usually evident 1 year after surgery. At this point, the scalp will have stretched and there will be some laxity. If someone desires more hair, the second procedure can be done at this point.